Whole Grain Flour for You

Directly From our Farm

Our Products

Where Quality Comes Across in Flavour

Whether you are a baker, chef, co-packer, CPG, or brewer we can service your wholesale needs.

Wholesale Inquiry

All Grains grown right here on Axten Farms soil.

Cleaned, milled and packaged at our own HACCP food grade seed cleaning plant.

These ingredients are an investment for your health and our planet.

All our products are third-party Regenified Certified.

Our Whole Grain Flour

Milled in our food grade facility, right on our farm, we offer a variety of whole grain flours. Let's not only bring nutrition back to our baking, but great flavors too!

Our Grains

We grow many different grains to add diversity to our soils and create resilience.  We care for our crops knowing that the grain they produce will become your food!  

Axten Farms is Loyal

...to the Soil

The soil is our most valuable resource and our priority is the life of our soil.

...to our Farm

Our farm is over 100 years old and we are dedicated to keep it resilient.

...to the Community

We want to build our small community and help make it a great destination for all.

...to You

You deserve nutritious home grown food and we want to provide that ingredient for you.

Where Your Food Comes From

We are a multi generational farm that is dedicated to growing healthy grains on our farm for you. Our family farm has renewed our passion by taking a different approach with an open mindset. Improving the biodiversity within our soil creates a healthy environment to grow your food. We are regenerating the soils and working to bring life back to our soil, farm, and community.

Take a Peak

 How Your Food is Grown

Our greatest teacher is Mother Nature! At Axten Family Farms, we are doing what we can to mimic the natural systems in our area. This means having lots of diversity above ground to stimulate the below ground diversity. Using a microscope to see and better understand our soils has shown us the true heart of the farm. These microorganisms cycle nutrients for our plants, create healthy soils that hold moisture and act as detoxifiers.

Every time we head to the field, we consider how we are impacting the soil. This has led us to practices such as intercropping, cover cropping, composting and control traffic farming. We want to be loyal to soil!

From the Farmer
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